Monday, March 26, 2012

The Arrival of Landri Elizabeth Harvill

The C-Section was scheduled for 12:30pm on March 22nd at Medical Center of Arlington. (FYI, the original due date was April 2nd)

The prep was as terrifying as the first time, only this time I remembered what the first time was like so that just added to my anxiety. Good stuff. The worst part was the IV, and yes it hurt just as bad as last time. In fact, it might have been worse because she hit a nerve (and it still hurts to touch the insertion point scar on my wrist...awesome). But at least it only took her one time :) Also, I was very frustrated that Twilight was on the hospital TV but there was no sound...some might look at that as a good thing, but when you are trying to zone out and not think about the fact that your intestines are about to be plopped on a table, a little sound wouldn't hurt. O-Kay?

I was very thankful that my sister had driven my mom up from San Antonio to be with us for the week. Sooooooo thankful! If she hadn't been there to help with Braden so Jay and I could enjoy our time with Landri, I can't imagine how much that would've just flat out sucked!

Anyways, a little after 12pm, I was walked down to the OR which was blissfully cold (couldn't remember the last time I hadn't been hot, lol). When I had Braden, I was induced, had 14 hours of labor, never got past 1cm, and my blood pressure was spiking, and Braden's was starting to as well. So, because of that, by the time I had my spinal block I had already had an epidural and lots of good stuff and never felt it. Plus my anesthesiologist was AMAZING. This time? This time, not so much. He was good, but I was so pissed when I actually FELT the epidural. WHAT? Why did that happen? But, it happened and about 10 seconds later it didn't matter because I was numb.

About 30 minutes later, they were ready to slice and dice, and so that's when they brought Jay in. For some reason, with this C-section I remembered and was aware of SO much more than I was with Braden. First off, they played music. COUNTRY music. Ick ick ick. But, hey, if it helps the doc to do a fine job, who am I to try and mess with that? Second, even though Jay was trying to distract me with conversation, I heard my doctor's instructions to his staff and felt a lot more tugging and pressing than I did with Braden's.

Sidenote: When I had Braden, Jay distracted by talking about how blessed we were to be having this child, to be together, to make a lifetime of memories as a family. It was awesome, good stuff. This time, that stuff ran out pretty quick because they were having trouble getting her out, and so what did he turn to? Our newest TV obsession: The Walking Dead. That's not the sad part. The sad part is that I actually participated and it actually worked! LOL!

And finally, at 12:36pm, they pulled her free (it took about 30 infinitely long seconds for her to finally cry, though nothing was wrong with her) and my sweet Landri was here!

7lbs 12oz. 20inches

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